
[Mar 29th 2007] From David to Goliath

Porsche and Volkswagen From David to Goliath Mar 29th 2007 | FRANKFURT From The Economist print edition A forthright boss decides that small is not always beautiful after all WENDELIN WIEDEKING, the punchy boss of Porsche, the world's most profitable small carmaker, has often described his firm as a David amid the industry's Goliaths. In 2002 he published “The David Principle”, a book of essays ..

미국 주택시장의 문제점 [07/03/22] Housing markets: The trouble with the ..

Housing markets The trouble with the housing market Mar 22nd 2007 From The Economist print edition After the great global housing binge, the hangover is kicking in. Especially in America JUNE is National Homeownership Month in America. NationalForeclosureMonth would be more apt. Some corners of the mortgage market—notably “subprime” loans aimed at those with poor credit records—have a nasty case..

[WSJ] 경제전망_Subprime Mortgage Woes Are Likely to..

Subprime Mortgage Woes Are Likely to Spread Forecasts for Home-Sale Prices Are Trimmed But Economists SayU.S.Can Avoid Recession By PHIL IZZO March 16, 2007 Most economic forecasters in a new WSJ.com survey believe recent turmoil in the subprime mortgage market is likely to spread to the broader mortgage market and they expect a widely followed index of home prices to fall this year. But they st..

Sustaining the unsustainable

[미국] Economist_불균형의 지속성? 출처 : 그것만이 내 세상 | 걱정마왕 http://blog.naver.com/yongo99/40035953517 Economist.com Global imbalances Sustaining the unsustainable Mar 15th 2007 | LONDON AND WASHINGTON, DC From The Economist print edition Global investors are worried about many things. Why is America's current-account deficit not one of them? SOUR subprime mortgages, sluggish retail sales, the specter of a br..

[Apr 5th 2007 ]Smaller shares, bigger slices

Economics focus http://cafe.daum.net/econimist카페 전영재님이 해석하신 글 Smaller shares, bigger slices Apr 5th 2007 From The Economist print edition Has globalisation hurt workers in rich economies? The IMF wades in THE world economy has been growing at its fastest for a generation. Money, goods and ideas move around the globe more freely than they have for at least a century—maybe more than ever, when you..

Multinationals Globalisation's offspring

요즘 다국적 기업이 잘사는 나라가 못 사는 나라를 착취하는 것이라고 하는 오래된 이미지가 개선 되고 있다. 왜냐하면 후진국(못사는 나라?) 출신의 다국적 기업들이 약진함으로써 선진다국적 기업들을 긴장시키고 있기 때문이다. 이러한 신진 다국적 기업들은 이전 80년대 일본, 그리고 90년대 한국의 다국적 기업이 거쳤던 과정을 밟아가고 있고, 기존의 다국적 기업보다 '민첩성'에서 우수하다는 점은 부인할 수 없다 하지만 신진 다국적 기업들은 아직 초기 단계일 뿐이다. 선진 다국적 기업들은 일단 규모 면에서 신진다국적 기업과는 비교도 안되고, 지역 국가와도 비교적 잘 조화하고 있다. 그리고 고객관리, 브랜드 개발, 노하우 축적와 혁신을 촉진시키는 기술력은 선진 다국적 기업에게는 큰 자산이다.시장은 어차피 '비용'..