
Jun 19th 2008 Economic and Financial Indicators

Overview Jun 19th 2008 From The Economist print edition Inflation picked up sharply across the rich world. 선진국에서 물가상승이 급격. Consumer prices in America rose by 4.2% in the year to May. 미국 소비자 물가 5월에 4.2%상승. The headline inflation rate in the euro area was revised up to 3.7% from a provisional estimate of 3.6%. 유로권역의 물가상승치 3.6%에서 3.7%로 조정. In Britain consumer-price inflation rose to 3.3%, from 3% i..

[Jun 12th 2008 ]Ill met by candlelight

6월 12일자 Economist紙의 아티클입니다. 이명박 정부가 처한 상황을 "The nightly protests are now as much about Mr Lee as they are about mad cows."라고 표현하고 있네요. 단지 광우병만이 문제가 아니라 증폭되고 있다는 뜻 같은데. 특별히 광우병 자체에 대한 판단은 언급되어 있지 않지만 아래 문장을 보면 "South Korean officials sought assurances that America would not send beef from cattle older than 30 months (believed to be a greater health risk). " 즉 30개월 이상이 위험한게 아니라 건강에 대한 위험이 있다고 "믿고있..

[Jun 12th 2008]Making no waves

Swimsuit technology Making no waves Jun 12th 2008 From The Economist print edition A new swimsuit is shattering records and unleashing debate 새 수영복은 기록을 깨고 논란을 자유롭게 한다. ATHLETES in the ancient Olympics competed in the buff, on the grounds (among other things) that clothes were a hindrance to performance. Modern technology, however, has changed that. In some sports, notably swimming, the right at..

[Feb 15th 2007]The art of the possible

출처 :http://cafe.daum.net/econimist Economics focus The art of the possible Feb 15th 2007 From The Economist print edition A new study picks over the delicate political economy of freeing markets NO ONE likes to lose a privilege, especially one that brings in money. So it should be no surprise when Italian taxi-drivers protest at proposals to deregulate their trade, French public-sector workers d..

[2007/03/08] Property rights in China: China's next..

Property rights in China China's next revolution Mar 8th 2007 From The Economist print edition A new property law is a breakthrough, even though it raises hopes that one-party rule may dash Get article background SOME 2,500 years ago, one of Confucius's big ideas was the “rectification of names”.If only, he argued, sons would behave filially, fathers paternally, kings royally and subjects loyall..

관타나모 수용소 [Mar 29th 2007] Justice shackled

Guantánamo Justice shackled Mar 29th 2007 From The Economist print edition A flawed legal process begins THE American military tribunals set up to pass judgment on terrorism suspects at Guantánamo Bay lurched into life this week when David Hicks, the “Australian Taliban”, unexpectedly pleaded guilty. The Pentagon will be relieved that the tribunals have started to show results after five years o..