
[Jul 5th 2007] Money isn't everything

Neuroeconomics Money isn't everything (돈이 전부는 아니야) Jul 5th 2007 From The Economist print edition 전체를 읽어봤지만 여전히 내용이 이해되지 않는 부분이 많습니다. 아무래도 방장님과 다른 분들의 도움을 받아야 할 것 같네요. 전체적으로 기존의 경제적인 선택, 또는 이론과 맞지 않는 선택을 하는 남성들의 경우 테스토스테론이라는 남성호르몬에 기인하는 부분이 크다는 것을 임상실험을 통해 밝혀내는 내용인듯 합니다. 아래 내용은 참고로 Ultimatum Game에 대한 사전지식으로 퍼온 블로그의 내용입니다. 두명의 플레이어가 게임을 한다. 첫번째 플레이어는 10만원을 받는다. 돈을 받은 플레이어는 그 일부를 두번째 플레이어에게 나누어 주어야..

[Jul 12th 2007]Poor young things,Where money seems to talk

4,14,24,34,44,54,64,74,84,94,104,114,124 Financial education Poor young things Jul 12th 2007 From The Economist print edition Teenagers need to do better at maths to avoid a bleak financial future WHEN today's youngsters leave school they can expect a lot less hand-holding about money than their elders used to get. Few employers still bear the investment risk for pensions, since most final-salar..

[ Jul 26th 2007 ]Soft currency

Economics focus Soft currency Jul 26th 2007 From The Economist print edition The dollar is weak against a clutch of currencies that share many of its flaws 달러가 통화위기에 반하여 약세이며 이는 많은 문제를 가지고 있다. Get article background LONDON is never a cheap destination, but American visitors to Britain's capital this summer will find their wallets emptying a little faster than usual. A dollar now buys less Britis..

[Sep 6th 2007]중앙은행은 버블 발생을 억제하기 위한 대책을 써야 하는가?

*해석 :http://cafe.daum.net/econimist Economics focus Tangled reins Sep 6th 2007 From The Economist print edition America's central bank attempts to tame a beast it once let loose Illustration by Jac COWBOY culture might not seem an obvious source of inspiration for central bankers. But during their recent gathering in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the world's monetary-policy elite watched a new-age cowb..

[Oct 18th 2007] Intelligent design

*해석 :http://cafe.daum.net/econimist Economics focus Intelligent design Oct 18th 2007 From The Economist print edition Jac A theory of an intelligently guided invisible hand wins the Nobel prize “WHAT on earth is mechanism design?” was the typical reaction to this year's Nobel prize in economics, announced on October 15th. In this era of “Freakonomics”, in which everyone is discovering their inne..

[Sep 27th 2007] Playing games with the planet

해석 :http://cafe.daum.net/econimist Economics focus Playing games with the planet Sep 27th 2007 From The Economist print edition JAC A version of the “prisoner's dilemma” may suggest ways to break through the Kyoto impasse Get article background AT ANY given summit on climate change, it is never long before some politician declares how “urgent” or “vital” or “imperative” it is to stop the planet ..