[Nov 1st 2007 ] New colours at Benetton
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New colours at Benetton
From The Economist print edition
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Alessandro Benetton must revive the ageing brand at the core of his family's industrial group
Alessandro Benetton은 노쇄한 자기 가족 회사의 핵심브랜드를 재생해야만 한다.
HOW do you succeed the founder of a world-famous family business and give it a new lease of life as it faces the rise of innovative rivals and emerging markets? 당신이세계에서가장유명한가업을계승하고그가업이이머징마켓과혁식전인라이벌과마주하는새로운경계에있다면당신은?? That is the question facing Alessandro Benetton, who stepped into his father's shoes this year as executive deputy chairman of the clothing group that bears the family name.이런상황이바로Alessandro Benetton이처한질문이다.그는올해자신의성을이름으로가진의류회사의CEO대리로아버지의가업에발을들였다.Answering it will not be easy.그가처한질문에대답하기는쉽지않다. Benetton has lost its way in recent years베네통은요몇년간그들의방향성을잃었었다.: its attempt to expand into America was a flop and it has been overtaken by competitors such as Sweden's H&M and Spain's Zara, which have developed more sophisticated fast-fashion business models.그들의미국시장진출은맥없이좌절됐고,스웨덴의H&M,스페인의Zara처럼빠르고세련되게변하는패션비즈니스모델을발전시켜온경쟁자들에게인수되었다. (Sales at Inditex, Zara's parent company, are now four times that of Benetton. Zara의모회사인 Idotex의경우판매량은베네통의4배에이른다.) Lately Benetton has invested heavily to bring its technology and logistics systems up to today's standards.근래에베네통은그들의기술과운송시스템을오늘날의표준으로끌어올리기위해많은투자를해왔다. Now Alessandro's task is to speed up the recovery and lead the clothing group, which has sales of ??1.9 billion ($2.7 billion) a year, into new markets such as
Fortunately a capacity for corporate reinvention seems to run in the family.다행히도기업재기를위한여력을베네통가문내세엇찾을수있을거같다.
Of the 14 cousins in his generation, 43-year-old Alessandro was the obvious choice to take over from his father Luciano, one of the four family members who launched the firm in 1965. 1965년기업을출범시킨4명의가족중
He certainly has a different style from his father, who dresses casually and tie-less, and whose long, curly white hair marks him out in any crowd of businessmen.그는캐쥬얼한복장과노타이,길고컬이들어간백발에,여타비즈니스맨들과구별되던아버지와는또다르다. With his neatly cropped head, white shirt, sober tie and dark blue pullover (Benetton, of course), the young Mr Benetton would not stand out even in the most conservative boardroom.짧게정리된헤어스타일과흰색셔츠수수한타이와베네통사의풀오버차림의젊은후계자는대부분보수적인회의실에서조차튀지않는다., If flair and individuality were the qualities that his father brought to the firm, then structure, business theory and attention to detail are now the order of the day in the Villa Minelli, an elegant 17th-century villa in Ponzano, near Venice, where the clothing group has its head offices.세련됨,개성등의특성이선대가이뤄놓은것이라면구조,경영철학,디테일에대한관심이오늘날빌라미넬리(베니스인근에위치한의류부문본사)에서요구하는것이다.
Mr Benetton's open admiration for his father's achievements is understandable: he cites his father along with Michael Porter, a professor at
The company has spent a busy summer deciding which parts of its past are import!!!!ant for its future, as Mr Benetton puts it.“The book is the same but we have begun a new chapter,”he says. The clothing group is focusing on the time-to-market of its collections—more than 100 each year—which it has been able to cut in the past two years from about two months to about two weeks. As well as trimming this further, Mr Benetton is making heads of divisions more accountable for performance and introducing greater management discipline and financial rigour—all standard stuff in the world of private equity.
Having been promised average annual sales growth of at least 7% over the next decade, investors will be watching closely to see how the clothing group performs under its new boss. They will probably also be wondering what parts he has in mind for all those cousins. Mr Benetton says family members who want to be involved in the clothing group are given managerial responsibilities in other businesses first.“We have many businesses, fortunately, as we are a large family,”he observes. Before embarking on his private-equity career, he notes, he spent five years as chairman of the successful Formula 1 racing team, showing that the Benettons could“be serious, competent and competitive in a technical sector—and do other things than just make T-shirts”. Married to a ski champion, Mr Benetton is no slouch on the slopes himself. Investors will be glad to hear that when it comes to high-risk pursuits, however, he is sensibly cautious. Mr Benetton does his skiing early in the morning, when the snow is best and the slopes are empty.
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