make just five decisions
Gordon Murray, left, and his co-author, Dan Goldie, in Burlingame, Calif. Mr. Murray has a form of brain cancer.
A Dying Banker’s Last Instructions
First, will you go it alone? The two authors suggest hiring an adviser who earns fees only from you and not from mutual funds or insurance companies, which is how Mr. Goldie now runs his business.
첫째, 당신이 혼자 결정하고 있다면, 당신으로 부터만 수수료를 받는(뮤추얼 펀드나 보험회사에서 급여를 받는 것이 아닌) 전문가를 고용할 것
second, divide your money among stocks and bonds, big and small, and value and growth. The pair notes that a less volatile portfolio may earn more over time than one with higher volatility and identical average returns. “If you don’t have big drops, the portfolio can compound at a greater rate,” Mr. Goldie said.
두 번째, 당신의 자산을 주식과 채권, 큰기업 작은 기업, 가치중심 기업과 성장성 중심의 기업으로 나누어서 투자할 것. 변동성이 작은 포트폴리오가 변동성이 높은 한 곳에 투자하는 것보다 높은 수익률을 줄 것이다.
Then, further subdivide between foreign and domestic. Keep in mind that putting anything less than about half of your stock money in foreign securities is a bet in and of itself, given that American stocks’ share of the overall global equities market keeps falling.
셋째, 국내와 국외로 구분하여 투자하라.
Fourth, decide whether you will be investing in active or passively managed mutual funds. No one can predict the future with any regularity, the pair note, so why would you think that active managers can beat their respective indexes over time?
넷째, 적극적으로 투자할지 소극적으로 투자할지 결정하라. 누구도 미래를 일정한 규칙으로 예측할 수는 없다. 그러므로 적극적인 투자자들은 지수를 과대포장한다.
Finally, rebalance, by selling your winners and buying more of the losers. Most people can’t bring themselves to do this, even though it improves returns over the long run.
끝으로, 수익이 나면 팔고, 잃은 것은 사서 균형을 맞추라. 대부분의 사람들이 알면서도 그러지 못한다.
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