rain check
rain check
The store had run out of the guitars that were on sale, so they gave us a rain check
meaning : a ticketstub allowingattendance at a future eventin place ofone that was canceld; a piece of paper from a store for buying a sold-out item at the sale price
origin : Rain checks were first issued at baseball games in the 1800s, and that's when this phrase became popular. If the game was rained out, you took your rain check ticket and used it to get a ticket for a future game at no extra cost.
rian check 《미》
1 a 우천 교환권 《비로 옥외 경기가 중지될 때 관람객에게 주는 다음 회의 유효표》
b (상품의 재고 등이 없는 경우) 후일 우선적으로 물품[서비스]을 제공한다는 보증권
2 (지금은 사양하지만 나중에 요구할) 후일의 약속[초대, 요구], 초대의 연기
origin : Rain checks were first issued at baseball games in the 1800s, and that's when this phrase became popular. If the game was rained out, you took your rain check ticket and used it to get a ticket for a future game at no extra cost.
rian check 《미》
1 a 우천 교환권 《비로 옥외 경기가 중지될 때 관람객에게 주는 다음 회의 유효표》
b (상품의 재고 등이 없는 경우) 후일 우선적으로 물품[서비스]을 제공한다는 보증권
2 (지금은 사양하지만 나중에 요구할) 후일의 약속[초대, 요구], 초대의 연기
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